How to Do SMS Marketing Right and Skyrocket Your Sales

SMS marketing

In today’s digital world, it is crucial for businesses to connect and interact with their audience. That’s why SMS marketing has become so important. By using text messages, companies can achieve higher open rates and click-through rates compared to traditional email marketing. This method includes different types of campaigns:

  1. Promotional campaigns: Offering discounts and coupons
  2. Transactional campaigns: Providing timely information
  3. Conversational campaigns: Sending automated texts that allow for two-way communication

Why SMS Marketing Matters

SMS marketing is extremely relevant in today’s digital landscape because:

  1. Mobile Accessibility: With the widespread use of mobile devices, people can be reached more easily through text messages than any other form of communication.
  2. Speedy Responses: Being able to contact your audience quickly means you’ll receive faster responses and see action being taken.
  3. Key Advantages Over Email: Text messages have some clear advantages over emails, such as higher open rates and immediate engagement.
  4. Creating a Personal Connection: By sending personalized SMS messages, you can establish a stronger bond with your customers.

“Text messages boast an impressive open rate of around 98%, ensuring your message is seen.”

“On average, people read texts within three minutes of receiving them.”

For those who are new to this strategy, check out this beginner’s guide on SMS marketing to get started. It provides a solid foundation by explaining the basics and benefits of SMS marketing.

If you’re already familiar with SMS marketing but want to take it a step further, consider exploring SMS remarketing. This tactic involves sending follow-up messages to maintain customer engagement and can offer deeper insights into effective SMS strategies.

Remember, incorporating SMS marketing into your overall business strategy can lead to increased sales and stronger customer loyalty. It’s all about reaching people where they spend the most time – on their mobile phones.

Types of SMS Marketing

SMS marketing can be categorized into several types, each serving a distinct purpose and offering unique benefits for businesses. Understanding these categories helps you tailor your strategy to achieve specific goals.

1. Promotional SMS

Promotional SMS is designed to drive sales and engagement through special offers, discounts, or limited-time promotions. These messages typically include:

  • Discount Codes: “Get 20% off your next purchase with code SAVE20.”
  • Flash Sales: “Exclusive 2-hour flash sale! Click here to shop now.”
  • Event Invitations: “Join us for our grand opening event this Saturday!”

These messages aim to create immediate action from recipients, leveraging the high open rates of SMS.

2. Transactional SMS

Transactional SMS provides timely information related to a specific transaction or interaction. Examples include:

  • Order Confirmations: “Your order #12345 has been shipped. Track it here.”
  • Appointment Reminders: “Reminder: Your appointment with Dr. Smith is scheduled for tomorrow at 3 PM.”
  • Account Notifications: “Your account balance is low. Please top up to avoid service interruption.”

These messages are crucial for customer experience, ensuring that recipients receive important updates instantly.

3. Customer Service SMS

Customer service SMS facilitates two-way communication between businesses and customers, enhancing support and engagement. Examples include:

  • Support Requests: “Reply with your issue, and our support team will assist you.”
  • Feedback Surveys: “Tell us how we did! Rate your recent experience with us.”
  • Service Notifications: “Your repair is complete. Reply ‘YES’ to confirm pickup.”

This type of messaging can resolve issues quickly, build trust, and improve customer satisfaction by providing direct and personal interaction.

Understanding these types of SMS marketing allows you to effectively plan and execute campaigns that cater to different audience needs and business objectives.

Benefits of Implementing an Effective SMS Marketing Strategy

SMS marketing offers several key advantages that can significantly boost business performance:

1. Wide Audience Reach

  • SMS boasts a 98% open rate compared to email’s average of 20%. This ensures your message reaches a larger portion of your audience.
  • Nearly everyone owns a mobile phone, making SMS a versatile tool for reaching diverse demographics.

2. High Engagement

  • Text messages have an average response rate of 45%, outperforming many other marketing channels.
  • The immediacy of SMS encourages quick responses, making it ideal for time-sensitive promotions and updates.

3. Increased Sales

  • Personalized and targeted SMS campaigns can drive sales by promoting exclusive offers and discounts directly to the customer’s phone.
  • Studies show that customers are 10x more likely to redeem mobile coupons than traditional paper coupons.

4. Re-engagement

  • SMS is effective in re-engaging inactive customers by sending reminders, special deals, or personalized messages to draw them back.
  • Abandoned cart recovery messages can lead to significant increases in conversion rates, with some businesses seeing up to a 20% boost.

By leveraging these benefits, businesses can enhance their marketing efforts and achieve measurable results.

Best Practices for Maximum SMS Marketing Impact

1. Ensuring Compliance and Building Trust

Clear Opt-In and Opt-Out Instructions

A fundamental aspect of successful SMS marketing is maintaining transparency with your subscribers. Clear opt-in instructions are crucial to ensure that users willingly subscribe to your messages. This means providing an easy-to-understand process for signing up. For instance, including a simple keyword that users can text to a short code to join your list.

Equally important is offering clear opt-out instructions. Subscribers should always have the option to unsubscribe from receiving further messages. Including a straightforward “Reply STOP to unsubscribe” in each message can enhance user trust and compliance with legal regulations.

The Significance of Unsubscribe Information

Including unsubscribe information in all messages aligns with privacy regulations such as TCPA and CTIA’s guidelines. These laws mandate that businesses must allow users to opt-out easily, reinforcing the importance of this practice. Not only does this build trust, but it also protects your business from potential legal issues.

Respecting Subscribers’ Preferences

Only sending messages to numbers that have explicitly opted in is paramount. This respects the preferences of your subscribers and ensures that your audience is genuinely interested in receiving your content. It also helps maintain high engagement rates and reduces the risk of being marked as spam.

By focusing on these best practices, you not only comply with privacy regulations but also build a trustworthy relationship with your subscribers, laying the foundation for effective SMS marketing campaigns.

2. Strategic Timing and Compelling Content Creation

Testing and optimizing your SMS campaigns for maximum engagement involves strategic timing. By analyzing data, you can identify the optimal response times for your audience. Sending messages during peak engagement periods ensures they are read and acted upon promptly, leading to the lowest unsubscribe rates.

Crafting effective SMS messages requires a combination of a clear call to action, consistent branding, and concise yet impactful copywriting techniques. A clear call to action directs recipients on what steps to take next, boosting conversion rates. Consistent branding reinforces brand identity and builds trust. With only 160 characters at your disposal, each word must count; use compelling language that drives immediate action.

Using links judiciously in SMS messages allows you to provide additional information without overwhelming the recipient. Shortened URLs help save space within the 160-character limit while guiding subscribers towards landing pages or special offers. This approach keeps your messages concise yet informative, ensuring that key details are easily digestible.

Key Points:

  • Timing: Identify peak engagement periods for optimal response times.
  • Content: Clear calls to action, strong branding, and concise copywriting.
  • Character Limit: Work within 160 characters, using shortened URLs for added info.

By focusing on these elements, you create SMS campaigns that not only engage but also convert, driving tangible results for your business.

3. Using Personalization and Urgency for Success in SMS Marketing

Personalization is an essential strategy for achieving success in SMS marketing. By tailoring your messages to include the subscriber’s name or reference their previous purchases, you can greatly increase relevance and engagement. When recipients receive personalized deals, they feel valued and understood, which in turn makes them more likely to make a purchase.

Another effective tactic is creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity. By offering time-sensitive deals and limited-time offers, you can motivate subscribers to take immediate action out of the fear of missing out (FOMO). Here are some examples:

  • Flash Sales: “Get 20% off your order today only! Use code FLASH20.”
  • Exclusive Access: “VIP members only! Shop our new collection before everyone else.”

By combining personalization with urgency, you can ensure that your SMS campaigns not only reach your target audience but also drive immediate action, leading to higher sales and increased customer loyalty.

Next, we’ll discuss how to select the right SMS marketing platform that suits your business needs.

Choosing the Right SMS Marketing Platform for Your Business

Selecting an appropriate SMS marketing platform is crucial for the success of your campaigns. Here are some important factors to think about:

Key Factors to Consider

  • Ease of Use: The platform should be easy to understand and navigate, allowing you to effortlessly create, manage, and analyze your campaigns.
  • Features: Look for a wide range of features such as automation, segmentation, two-way messaging, and analytics that can help you optimize your SMS marketing strategy.
  • Compliance: Make sure that the platform follows all privacy regulations like TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to protect both your business and your customers.
  • Integration: Check if the platform can seamlessly integrate with your existing CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or other marketing tools that you use for better efficiency.

Here are some popular SMS marketing platforms that you can consider:

Sparkcentral by Hootsuite

  • Best for: Providing customer support through SMS
  • Features: Allows you to send messages across multiple channels, set up automated responses, and access real-time analytics for better customer service.

EZ Texting

  • Best for: Small to medium-sized businesses who want a user-friendly platform
  • Features: Offers convenient features like text scheduling, keyword campaigns to engage with customers, and easy contact management.


  • Best for: Businesses seeking a straightforward and efficient solution
  • Features: Provides options for creating drip campaigns (series of automated messages), running text-to-win contests for engagement, and generating detailed reports on campaign performance.


  • Best for: Meeting various SMS marketing requirements comprehensively
  • Features: Offers additional capabilities like MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) support for sending images or videos, autoresponders for immediate replies, and API integrations to connect with other systems.

Choosing the right platform involves evaluating your specific business needs and ensuring the software aligns with your goals. Each of these platforms offers unique benefits tailored to different aspects of SMS marketing.


Implementing best practices in SMS marketing can significantly enhance your marketing efforts, driving tangible results and helping you increase sales. Prioritizing compliance by including clear opt-in and opt-out instructions ensures that you build trust with your audience. Adhering to privacy regulations like TCPA and CTIA’s guidelines is not just a legal requirement but also a best practice for maintaining consumer trust.

Creating compelling content with strategic timing is crucial. Messages should be concise yet impactful, fitting within the 160-character limit while still delivering value. Personalization elevates the relevance of your messages, making subscribers feel valued and engaged.

Key takeaways for effective SMS marketing:

  • Compliance: Always include clear opt-in and opt-out instructions.
  • Content: Craft concise, compelling messages with a strong call to action.
  • Personalization: Use data to tailor messages to individual subscribers.
  • Timing: Schedule messages for optimal engagement.

By following these guidelines, you can leverage SMS marketing to not only engage your audience but also drive significant sales growth.

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